I came away with a number of lessons.
- Sometimes it's impossible to judge the potential of a script by its first 10 pages.
- People will do it anyway, so you'd better do everything you can to make sure those first 10 pages are good.
- Writers who appear to be beginners can still offer excellent advice to writers who have been at it a bit longer.
- As an aspiring writer (in addition to many other time in life), writing people off before you've fully heard and understood what they have to say is a mistake.
- As Gordy himself said, all the how-to guides out there are simply solutions to the problem of how to tell a compelling story. There's really not a wrong way to do that, per se. If you're keeping people interested, you're on the right track.
After receiving the nine other screenplays, I was highly skeptical about how the workshop was going to go.
There was some solid stuff, but there was also some stuff I deemed not so solid. I don't need to go into detail here about any specific thoughts, but what I will say is that I was ridiculously impressed by Gordy's ability to dig out the potential -- and offer suggestions on how to start down the path to reaching that potential -- in each of the 10-page samples. It's a quality that I always considered to be one of my own strengths, but, I must say, whatever ability I have in that area pales in comparison to what Gordy showcased.
I do realize that this presents a certain caveat venditor, though: If someone who actually strives to be open-minded and seek out potential is thrown off by nonstandard formatting, spelling and grammar issues, and nontraditional structure, then think how much more turned off an industry reader who must sift through any number of scripts a day will be. So, it's probably wise to do your research regarding those things.
Here are a few resources I've found wildly helpful:
- [A gift to all aspiring screenwriters] John August's blog
- [A solid go-to style guide] The Hollywood Standard
- [Advice from the trenches of Hollywood] The Rouge Wave
- [An easy-to-understand guide to structure] Save The Cat!
and Save the Cat! Goes to the Movies
- [A blog to pick you up when you're feeling down] Blake Snyder's blog