Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A Bibliography in Progress

Or, What I Someday Hope to See on IMDB or Amazon.com. Dates shown refer to first draft.


Don't Forget [working title] - August 2007
Logline: In flux.
Status: Shelved until I'm ready to throw out 90 percent of the current story and start again.

The Affair of Monsieur Valentine
- December 2007
Logline: A disgraced royal daughter takes a new identity as the mysterious, sword-wielding Monsieur Valentine in order to save her sister the queen from the narcissistic and abusive king. By her actions, passions are mistaken and loyalties are shaken in this battle between what is expected and what is right.
Status: Rewrite finished March 2009. Awaiting edits.

[working title] - April 2008 (ScriptFrenzy)
Logline: After being laid off, a pharmacy technician is forced to take a job at an apothecary run by an eccentric old woman who specializes in tea blends. When he realizes the woman has tricked him into signing away his firstborn child, he must find a way to break the curse or he and his wife will lose their child forever.
Status: Shelved.

The Sound of Silence [working title] - May 2008
Logline: After undergoing a life-changing experience at a zen retreat, the director of a talented high school orchestra creates controversy and challenges minds when he insists on performing John Gage's "Four minutes, thirty-three seconds" at contest.
Status: Rewrite in progress during May 2009.

Mute - July 2008
Logline: A man who refuses to speak is forced to question his choices when he falls for a woman with severe dyslexia.
Status: 2008 BFSC first round qualifier. 2009 BlueCat Quarterfinalist. Currently entered in several competitions.

Double Exposure [working title] - April 2009
Logline: A inept doppelgänger struggles to do her job when she accidentally befriends her assignment. When she begins falling ill, the doppelgänger is forced to choose between saving her own life or hurting her new friend's.
Status: First draft completed during ScriptFrenzy. Second draft scheduled for late summer.

'Til Death Parts Us - June 2009
Logline: A frustrated wife offs her annoying husband, thinking she'll finally be free of him and his shenanigans. Her plans are foiled, though, when he returns as a ghost bent on making her life even more miserable.
Status: First draft in progress.


Life in the Tire & Lube Express Lane
- NaNoWriMo 2005
Summary: A memoir detailing my soul-sucking, five-week stint working in the automotive department at Wal-Mart.
Status: Shelved indefinitely.

Clairvoyant - NaNoWriMo 2006
Summary: A young woman begins experiencing clairvoyant visions the night her parents are murdered.
Status: Permanently shelved due to horrible, terrible, no-good, very bad writing. The concept, however, has potential to be revisited at a later date.

Mute - NaNoWriMo 2007
Summary: See logline for the screenplay.
Status: This story wanted to be an indie film from the moment I started writing it. The novel is shelved, but the story is getting its wish, at least in so far as it has become screenplay.

Fairytale Redux [working title] - NaNoWriMo 2008
Summary: A fairy tale about the natures of evil, love and duty.
Status: Completed NaNoWriMo with 77,000 words. Currently working on completion of first draft, most likely somewhere between 100,000 and 125,000 words.


The House
- August 2008
Written as a short fiction challenge with Matt Marko, the story is based on the following prompt he provided: "Female main character awakens to find her husband vanished and her country house boarded up from the outside."
The entire text of this story (approximately 2800 words) is available here.

Learning to Fly - October 2008
Approximately 650 words and available here.

Greyhound - October 2008
A bit of flash fiction written in a bus station. Available here.

Fouettard - December 2008
A 1,700-word interpretation of the legend of Père Fouettard.

Charity: A Christmas Story - December 2008
A story about an unexpected guest who shows up to a Christmas dinner party.

Soul Business - May 2009
A man encounters a woman selling souls from the back of a truck.


Roadkill - July 2008
Status: Story is written. Storyboards are in (very, very, very slow) development by animator Kate Dittmann.